Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Money is the root of all evil!!!"....Really?

How many of us have heard the saying “Money is the root of all evil?” I’m willing to bet each and every person reading these lines have heard it hundreds of times. In fact, we hear it so much that we begin to believe that it is true….Well, just like many of society’s popular sayings, I’m also going to throw this one in the bag of bullshit along with sayings like “I had no choice”, “it takes money to make money”, and the infamous “that’s impossible.”

Money has no power. YEA I SAID IT! A million dollars sitting on a table is simply a bunch of paper with crap written all over it. It is immobile and thoughtless. It has the ability to do neither good nor evil. In certain places of the world people would prefer to use it as firewood over anything else.

Money is just a tool. A tool remains valueless and unable to improve or worsen your life or the lives of others until it has been combined with a decision. For example, a bat can be used by the mob to engage in acts of violence against innocent people…OR…it can be used to smash balls out of the park as a means of entertaining thousands of baseball fans… Put your money in the hands of Bernie Madoff (world famous crook) and you are sure to be left broke (I’m guessing this is when that bat the mob uses wouldn’t be such a bad idea HAHA). But, invest your money into learning how to make more money and you may find yourself swimming in it!

By now we all understand that money has no ability to make decisions…But people do! Understanding this, we see that money cannot be the root of all evil. It is the decisions people make with money that creates good or evil.

Typically, my writings and speeches are focused on achieving GREATNESS… Today is no different. The DECISIONS we make with our money have a huge impact on how we go about achieving our own personal GREATNESS. It is important to tackle the subject of money and GREATNESS because many of us are putting our dreams on the backburner because, “I got bills!” As it relates to good and evil, I believe that putting aside the pursuit of our GREATEST dream based on finances is an evil decision. Investing our time and energy to understand how to make our finances work to help us achieve our GREATEST dream is a good decision…better yet, a GREAT decision!

Psychologically, making good decisions with money can free your mind so that you may focus on achieving your own personal GREATNESS. So here I will explain what I believe is a GREAT process that will free you from the financial strangle hold money has on you. Following these few steps could be the liberation you need to pursue YOUR dreams!

1. Build up enough guaranteed money so that you can cover your monthly expenses (food, rent, car note, etc). I suggest having about 6 months worth or expenses put away in a savings account. If you get laid off or quit your job, you’ll at least know that you can survive for half a year. Guaranteed money just means that you can depend on the money being there despite future incidences. I wouldn’t go so far as to survive off of bread and water. However, I do suggest taking an honest look at whether the things you decide to spend your money on are actually valuable to your life.

2. It is important to begin putting your remaining resources toward pursuing your dream. This is where you begin investing in yourself (see the Research & Development video blog). Use your resources (time, money, and network) to build on your knowledge, skill, and ability to be GREAT at what it is that you truly love to do. This is the BE and the DO section of the BE DO HAVE video blog. Here you are working to become GREAT at what you love doing most.

3. There may be things that you desire to have in addition to achieving GREATNESS. For example, an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter may have a dream to become so GREAT that he revolutionizes the MMA industry. AND, he also wouldn’t mind having a house on the beach to celebrate (nothing wrong with that LOL). The idea is to leverage your wants to provide further motivation to achieve your dream, GREATNESS. Force your wants to make you work harder at achieving GREATNESS. The house on the beach serves as a by-product of changing the course of MMA. The fighter uses his desire to have a house on the beach as additional motivation to work harder to achieve GREATNESS so that he can have the house. This is placing the DO before the Have (from the BE DO HAVE Principle of the previous video blog). If the thing you desire to have in addition to your GREATNESS requires money, then it is a good idea to figure out how you can monetize what you truly desire to be GREAT at. In other words, figure out how you can make money doing what you truly love to do as a means of providing your additional wants.

Although our love for the dream we desire to achieve would allow us to do it for free, most times the nature of the society we live in will not. Remember that a tool only has power when the decision is made to use it. Utilizing the process described above as a tool, I believe that we can begin to make good…No…GREAT decisions with money. We no longer have the “I got bills” excuse for not pursuing our dreams.

Below I have listed links to the blogs mentioned within this blog: r/dgant06#p/a/u/1/xxzxF1_LMO0

I appreciate you taking time to read this entry. I sincerely hope that this message proves to be beneficial to your life. I look forward to speaking with you about your thoughts! All comments are welcomed whether or not you are tagged, we know each other, or any other reason that may hold you back from contributing. Thank You!

Darius Gant

Posted via web from Darius Gant

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Your Get Out of Jail Free Card…No monopoly

What do you call someone whose decisions have caused them to be confined to a box for a given period of time (such as a year, decade, 20 to life)?  Hmmmm… Does prisoner ring a bell?  If someone asked you if you would like to go to prison, the obvious answer would be “Hell no!  Are you crazy?”  Yet, at times we find ourselves sitting comfortably within the confines of a self-imposed jail cell.  Would you be surprised if I told you that we (non-criminals) bare striking similarities to prison inmates?  Yes, it’s true.  Just like inmates, we sometimes make a decision to confine ourselves to mental “lockdown”…our own personal jail-cell.  We have chosen complacency over progression.  The only difference between us and real-life inmates is that we actually possess a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”… CHOICE.  By utilizing the Get Out of Jail Free Card we choose to unlock the door to limitless growth opportunities.  What was previously a jail cell has transformed into a breeding ground for success.

Imagine that we all have our own mental box in which we reside.  This box contains all of the knowledge, skills, and abilities we have accumulated in our lifetime.  Taken as a whole, it is a representation of our potential to achieve certain goals.  If we make the decision to remain in the box, it will remain the same size.  Our potential to achieve is unchanged.  By stepping outside of the box, we encounter knowledge, skills and abilities that we do not currently possess.  Importing these “goods” causes our box to expand as we incorporate this new information with the existing content within our box.  As the boundaries of our mental box are expanded, our potential to achieve GREATER goals also grows.  Our increased value allows us to pursue better opportunities as opposed to finding a way to be content with a “perfectly shitty situation.”  The key to this concept is that the growth (or non-growth) of our box is a CHOICE.
In this metaphor, we find two contrasting modes of thinking.  The first, we will call the Jail-Cell ideology.  Many criminals serving a significant amount of time in prison find leaving to be extremely intimidating.  Their fear is due to the idea that prison is all that they have come to know.  The fear of potentially failing at living in the outside world generates a level of complacency or comfort with what they have become accustomed to, the cell.  Sounds awfully familiar huh?  Like inmates, those people that subscribe to the jail-cell ideology escape the fear of potential failure (and additionally growth and development opportunities) by choosing to take shelter within the boundaries of their mental jail-cell.  Do you know anyone like this?
After discussing this idea with a friend, a very interesting point was brought up.  He said, “If my ultimate goal is to be happy and I’m content with the size of my ‘box’, why should I care to expand it?”  After giving it some thought, I figured we’d apply his question to a few examples:

-What happens when a person believes they are “happy” with the urban war-zone of a neighborhood they currently live in?  Survival in this neighborhood breeds a literal “kill or be killed” mentality.  When confronted with a “kill or be killed” situation, what is the future of this person if he/she has chosen not to learn of other ways to live?
-What happens when a person is content with the skills required to “get by” on the job?  Then the economy slips into a “recession,” which requires those with replaceable skills to be laid off. 
What will happen to the person who only knows how to generate income through a 9-5 when there aren’t enough 9-5’s to go around?

-What happens when a student chooses school as his single method of obtaining knowledge, but the real-world requires skills that are learned outside of the classroom?

But certainly none of these things would actually happen to you, me or anyone we know, right? (Who is calling bullshit here? LOL)…  As humans we underestimate possibility of becoming victims of life-altering negative events…until they happen!  Considering the impact of these events, wouldn’t it make sense to insure ourselves against them?  How do we do this?... By making the decision to expand our box in order to grow into a more valuable and knowledgeable person.  How could the lives of the people in the previous example change if they choose to expand their box?  Would a greater body of knowledge and increased ability to make things happen get them into a better situation?

Those of us who subscribe to the second ideology would be a good example for how the above question is answered.  We view our box as a breeding ground for success.  We understand that expanding our box is a CHOICE.  While we may be happy with the knowledge, skills, and abilities we have acquired so far, we choose to expand our box by learning more.  The opportunity to explore uncharted territories excites us.  Why?  Because we develop a new perspective on life and how to become more successful in the goals that we desire to achieve.  Our box is not a jail cell where we allow fear to keep us from exploring new opportunities.  It is more akin to a growing nation that is searching out new knowledge from around the world in order to one day become a super-power. We have developed ourselves into more valuable individuals to our family, friends, team, and community.  As the boundaries of our box expands, so too does our ability to make gold out of the pile of shit life sometimes throws. 

Just like Monopoly, you can choose not to use your Get Out of Jail Free Card and rot in jail as you lose the game (of life)....OR…You can choose to use the card and take advantage of life’s GREAT opportunities.  If you ever find yourself fighting against the Jail-Cell ideology, the CHOICE you made to read this blog will act as your Get Out of Jail Free Card… And feel free to toss me that $200 as you pass GO on your way to success!

P.S.  Anyone that really goes to jail, please don’t tell the police that Darius said you have a Get Out of Jail Free Card.  I will not be accepting collect calls LOL!

I appreciate you taking time to check out the message.  Feel free to comment whether you are tagged via Facebook or just saw it on a friend’s page.

Darius Gant

Posted via web from Darius Gant's posterous

Your Get Out of Jail Free Card…No monopoly

What do you call someone whose decisions have caused them to be confined to a box for a given period of time (such as a year, decade, 20 to life)? Hmmmm… Does prisoner ring a bell? If someone asked you if you would like to go to prison, the obvious answer would be “Hell no! Are you crazy?” Yet, at times we find ourselves sitting comfortably within the confines of a self-imposed jail cell. Would you be surprised if I told you that we (non-criminals) bare striking similarities to prison inmates? Yes, it’s true. Just like inmates, we sometimes make a decision to confine ourselves to mental “lockdown”…our own personal jail-cell. We have chosen complacency over progression. The only difference between us and real-life inmates is that we actually possess a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”… CHOICE. By utilizing the Get Out of Jail Free Card we choose to unlock the door to limitless growth opportunities. What was previously a jail cell has transformed into a breeding ground for success.

Imagine that we all have our own mental box in which we reside. This box contains all of the knowledge, skills, and abilities we have accumulated in our lifetime. Taken as a whole, it is a representation of our potential to achieve certain goals. If we make the decision to remain in the box, it will remain the same size. Our potential to achieve is unchanged. By stepping outside of the box, we encounter knowledge, skills and abilities that we do not currently possess. Importing these “goods” causes our box to expand as we incorporate this new information with the existing content within our box. As the boundaries of our mental box are expanded, our potential to achieve GREATER goals also grows. Our increased value allows us to pursue better opportunities as opposed to finding a way to be content with a “perfectly shitty situation.” The key to this concept is that the growth (or non-growth) of our box is a CHOICE.

In this metaphor, we find two contrasting modes of thinking. The first, we will call the Jail-Cell ideology. Many criminals serving a significant amount of time in prison find leaving to be extremely intimidating. Their fear is due to the idea that prison is all that they have come to know. The fear of potentially failing at living in the outside world generates a level of complacency or comfort with what they have become accustomed to, the cell. Sounds awfully familiar huh? Like inmates, those people that subscribe to the jail-cell ideology escape the fear of potential failure (and additionally growth and development opportunities) by choosing to take shelter within the boundaries of their mental jail-cell. Do you know anyone like this?

After discussing this idea with a friend, a very interesting point was brought up. He said, “If my ultimate goal is to be happy and I’m content with the size of my ‘box’, why should I care to expand it?” After giving it some thought, I figured we’d apply his question to a few examples:

-What happens when a person believes they are “happy” with the urban war-zone of a neighborhood they currently live in? Survival in this neighborhood breeds a literal “kill or be killed” mentality. When confronted with a “kill or be killed” situation, what is the future of this person if he/she has chosen not to learn of other ways to live?

-What happens when a person is content with the skills required to “get by” on the job? Then the economy slips into a “recession,” which requires those with replaceable skills to be laid off.

What will happen to the person who only knows how to generate income through a 9-5 when there aren’t enough 9-5’s to go around?

-What happens when a student chooses school as his single method of obtaining knowledge, but the real-world requires skills that are learned outside of the classroom?

But certainly none of these things would actually happen to you, me or anyone we know, right? (Who is calling bullshit here? LOL)… As humans we underestimate possibility of becoming victims of life-altering negative events…until they happen! Considering the impact of these events, wouldn’t it make sense to insure ourselves against them? How do we do this?... By making the decision to expand our box in order to grow into a more valuable and knowledgeable person. How could the lives of the people in the previous example change if they choose to expand their box? Would a greater body of knowledge and increased ability to make things happen get them into a better situation?

Those of us who subscribe to the second ideology would be a good example for how the above question is answered. We view our box as a breeding ground for success. We understand that expanding our box is a CHOICE. While we may be happy with the knowledge, skills, and abilities we have acquired so far, we choose to expand our box by learning more. The opportunity to explore uncharted territories excites us. Why? Because we develop a new perspective on life and how to become more successful in the goals that we desire to achieve. Our box is not a jail cell where we allow fear to keep us from exploring new opportunities. It is more akin to a growing nation that is searching out new knowledge from around the world in order to one day become a super-power. We have developed ourselves into more valuable individuals to our family, friends, team, and community. As the boundaries of our box expands, so too does our ability to make gold out of the pile of shit life sometimes throws.

Just like Monopoly, you can choose not to use your Get Out of Jail Free Card and rot in jail as you lose the game (of life)....OR…You can choose to use the card and take advantage of life’s GREAT opportunities. If you ever find yourself fighting against the Jail-Cell ideology, the CHOICE you made to read this blog will act as your Get Out of Jail Free Card… And feel free to toss me that $200 as you pass GO on your way to success!

P.S. Anyone that really goes to jail, please don’t tell the police that Darius said you have a Get Out of Jail Free Card. I will not be accepting collect calls LOL!

I appreciate you taking time to check out the message. Feel free to comment whether you are tagged via Facebook or just saw it on a friend’s page.

Darius Gant
Twitter: aa

Posted via web from Darius Gant's posterous

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Are you 1 OF 7 billion…OR…1 IN 7 billion?

*This post is dedicated to Kimberly Gant. A woman who has achieved GREATNESS of her own*

About a year ago, I discovered this amazing gift. At the time, this gift was simply 1 OF 7 billion in the world. (Pretty rare huh lol?) . Bare with me here, I’m taking you somewhere. As I became more aware of the potential GREATNESS of this gift, its value began to grow. I saw that his gift could go from valuable to invaluable, limited to limitless, good to….GREAT. What was this gift?...A seed, BUT, not just any old seed. This seed was 1 IN 7 billion. I believe that deeply planted within all of us lays the seed of GREATNESS, anxiously waiting to bloom. I write this specific blog because I have a sincere desire to help you surround that seed with the nourishment that will allow that seed to blossom. If you are someone who seeks to achieve your deepest desires, I believe you will find this message GREAT for you.

As you read the words on this page, do not make the mistake in letting the message remain confined to the computer screen. Let the words jump off the monitor so that you may internalize the message. You deserve to be made aware of the untapped potential of your GREATNESS. Sometimes it is hard to take an honest look at ourselves without feeling a bit uncomfortable. Battling through this temporary discomfort is simply another forward step in our progression toward nurturing the seed of GREATNESS.

One of society’s misconceptions of the word GREATNESS is that it is reserved for a select few….The rich, the famous, the political and social elite… Certainly these individuals have achieved a level of GREATNESS of their own. However, I’m here today to tell you (and you can quote me) that no matter your social status, age, financial standing or physical appearance, within all of us lays the potential to become truly GREAT. The moment that we recognize it, honor it, and live to become the GREAT person you can be, we will live a much happier and fulfilling life.

Of the approximately 7 billion people that walk the face of the earth, we were all born with a unique genetic makeup (including identical twins). Yet, some of us perceive ourselves simply to be 1 OF 7 billion, instead of 1 IN 7 billion. There is a slight difference in word choice, but the implications are enormous. What does this mean?... It means we are all blessed with a unique gift…I’m sorry. Let me make this more direct….YOU are blessed with a unique gift. Something that no one on the world can do quite like you… A gift that cannot be replicated by the 3,999,999,999 other humans. The ultimate act of selfishness would be to deprive the world of our value. On the other hand, the ultimate act of giving is to nurture that seed of GREATNESS and share it with the world… How do we find what our true value is?... The answer is simple in the sense that it has always been with you. You just may not have recognized it. Here are some questions that may help. What is it that gets you so excited that it could keep you awake all night? What is it that you could do all day with a feeling of excitement? What do you consistently find yourself attracted to? No idea is too big or too small for you. Your GREATNESS is not dependent upon what society perceives it to be. After all, it is YOURS, right. Take ownership!

While I was at the Yale Pre-MBA Leadership Program, I was fortunate enough to meet a fellow participant named Jon McCoy (not the John from the last post LOL). It was clear that Jon had a bright future ahead of him. At the time, he was beginning a career in Consulting at Booz Allen Hamilton, a top tier consulting firm. A few months into his career Jon sent out an announcement that he had left Booz for a greater opportunity, one that would maximize his potential for GREATNESS. This was quite a bold move for a 22 year old with an amazing job. Jon is now National Program Manager of Operation Hope’s 5 Millions Kids Program.

As National Program Manager, Jon and the children of 5 Million Kids (5MK) have entered the Pepsi Refresh Challenge. Pepsi will be giving away a $250,000 grant to support great ideas. You can show your support for Operation HOPE’s 5MK by clicking the following link.  aa

What is interesting about us as humans is that we have this obsession with measuring everything. We feel all things must have a number tacked to it signifying its value. A common quote says “if it exists, it can be measured.” The problem with this idea is that things that can be measured must also be finite or limited. When it comes to our GREATNESS and the value we bring to the world, there is no number that can be attached. The number of iPod’s sold by Apple can be counted, but the company’s impact on technology is limitless. Michael Jordan making $30 million dollars in a single year contract can be measured, but the way he changed the game of basketball is limitless. The amount of money Jon makes or kids that he works with can be measured, but the impact he has on their lives is limitless. I say this because I believe that our true GREATNESS lays in our pursuit and execution of things that have an immeasurable value.

We all must understand that GREATNESS is not reserved for a chosen few, but deeply embedded within us all. It is our responsibility is to provide our seed of GREATNESS with the proper nourishment so that it may grow. By pursuing our greatest desires, I believe that we are sharing with the world the gift which makes all of us unique. In doing this, our own GREATNESS is realized and we see that our value becomes….INVALUABLE.

I appreciate you taking time to check out this post.  Feel free to leave comments, even if you’re not tagged.

Posted via web from Darius Gant's posterous